After midnight* I met him. The warm meeting was beyond description. We burst into tears. We had been separated since 1995. He was my grandfather. He started to narrate his position* which was not understandable. Then* he asked me to explain everything about my life. He was eager to listen as if he hearing an exciting story. But in fact* it was a story of tragedy. I now have ten children. My salary has increased by two- thousand rials more* but I cannot conceal that the house owner* which I live in* increased the rent by five- thousand rials as well. My grandfather* please keep your chest wide* because I have opened a painful file. I cannot close it until I relieve my feelings and explain to you everything. He looked at me strangely and said; haven?t built a house yet? You still pay rent? Yes* I do not have a house* because I still have no stability. I feel I am an expatriate in this country* I answered. He started to blame me; you work all day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.* and you are unable to make a house? I will build a house when I will get the land. Our government promised some teachers in Hodeidah province they would distribute land around ten years ago. The project is still under negotiation. Hope is there. Haven?t I told you that I pay about YR. 10000 monthly for electricity and water bills? I am waiting for the prices to go down but each year becomes worse than the earlier. A sack of flour costs YR. 6500. Every day I buy 150 loafs of bread to my children. Each loaf costs YR.10. Moreover* an egg costs YR. 25. We are struggling in order to teach our children* but they are ignorant in their schools. He was leaning on a rock and sat to say; it is better to get them to learn at religious institutes. Alas! My grandfather* they were changed into schools 8 years ago. It is said that they were bringing out terrorists whom America is fighting. I am sorry my grandfather to upset you. I have many concerns* debts and a lot of anxiety. Therefore* my grandson* it is better to follow me than this torture. Be sure* you will be very comfortable* he said. You are right my grandfather but hopefully I need to get my M.E.D degree* I said. Please* my grandfather* invoke Allah to help me this year to finish my research. I am in a dilemma my grandfather* I added. Tell me I may help you* he said. My friends and I joined M.ED program in Hodeidah university* but we are not able to research as the library lacks many resources especially in our specialization* I said. I will send you my dear as many resources as you want provided that you perform excellently in your dissertation* he said. Do not worry* my grandfather* all the students here who studied in this program got excellent marks without the existence of enough resources in the library of the college. Consequently* what will the degree be after getting enough resources? What will we get when you send your valuable resources to us? I asked. You will become very good because the more you read the better you get .Unlike this* in our country the more you work the more trouble you get into* he said sadly. I feel sleepy my grandson. Next time* bring me a bundle of Qat to listen to you without getting upset. Do you still chew Qat? Yes* of course* I will not sleep unless I chew it* I answered. We chew Qat to forget about our troubles in the day and to think at night. He said* when I was in a comfortable life* I never tasted Qat; I do not feel with trouble. If our livelihood is a full of anxiety* we should improve luxuriously our bed at least. However* nightmares chase us night and day. While I was talking with my head bowed towards the ground* I raised my head to notice that my grandfather slept. Suddenly I woke up out of a deep sleep with a loudly braying donkey next to my window. It was my neighbor?s donkey. I wish it could have brayed at midnight to break my sorrowful dream....
