Before carrying on with the discussion of the ongoing demise in the West Bank and Gaza* one is bound to relate how increasing trends of gory violence tend to arise in parallel with the needs of the neo-conservatives in the United States to overshadow their follies at home and abroad. There is no question in this observer's mind and the minds of most astute Moslem observers and analysts that the gory violence displayed by the heretic gangs* which have the audacity to cloak their ugly deeds as part and parcel to Islamic doctrine is indeed part of an ugly agenda* the end of which is yet to be visualized. This convinces the observer more than anything that indeed these hoodlums born out of a covert cult of "fundamentalists" of the deserts of Nejd* Saudi Arabia and covertly financed by the petrodollars of the Saudi regime are part and parcel of the Zionist agenda and the right wing establishments of many a western state* especially the United States. The misconception of the neo cons in the United States that Zionism works hand in hand with Christian perceptions of the coming of Armageddon is as ungodly as the raping of the Holy Land in order to make good on the Divine promise of the Holy Land to the Jews* etc. Surely* with God associating Himself with Justice* Mercy* Compassion and other nomenclature of the Lord that go hand in hand with God* there would be no room for such devious and mischievous corruption of the doctrinaire espoused by true believers of the Lord* who truly believe that God would never allow any Divine doctrine to contradict with human nature and the instincts that guide human sentiment. It is inconceivable to regard the gangs of gory bloodshed* in all their "Islamic" manifestations* which have spread throughout the world* as being Islamic. This also goes for the ungodly association of Zionist demagogues with Judaism* or the naïve connection of Armageddon with the eventual annihilation of all the believers of Judaism in the Holy Land. That all three "religious" heresies can coexist in our times defies any other explanation* other than their commonality of purpose and designs. There is no historical coincidence here* but rather one of the biggest play on spiritual emotions of man since the pharaohs of Egypt claimed to be the essence of the Devine and insisted that their subjects also become their worshippers. Another clear illustration of the heresy of these misconceptions of religious belief is that the "Moslem" version of these trilogy of Godless inclinations is that there is a powerful hierarchical and mysterious "clergy" that brainwashes its followers into adhering to their unalterable directions and religious doctrine* a great proportion of which represents the farthest distance from true Islamic creed and practice as close to fifteen centuries has undoubtedly shown.Undoubtedly* Islam does not sanction the existence of a clergy acting on behalf of the Lord on Earth. Now* back to the facts on the ground: when analyzing the political developments of the United State* it is not hard to see the obvious failure of deviations from standard and digestible doctrinaire* as the latest economic demise has shown in the United States* and the obvious calamities of an incongruous foreign policy that regards power and might as solid grounds on which to base foreign policy. The trend in the United States has now gone to reflect some of the underpinnings of the "change" that is beginning to appear there* which is being promoted as the upcoming trend in foreign policy thinking in the years to come or that is depicting the need to deviate from the horrible directions that have characterized the past eight years of the Administration of President George "W." Bush. To start with* let us see why the Israelis are worrying about any possible change in US policy thinking. One can just read these links for a synopsis of the worried mood among Israeli thinkers: and As for American thinking* this can perhaps be shown by what Timothy Noah of calls as possible wishful thinking on the part of many democrats* who are prematurely smelling the sweet taste of victory: "The United States should give Israel an ultimatum to settle its squabble with the Arabs over the Palestinian problem in six months or else have all its aid from the United States cut off!"* or something to that effect (the observer is unable at this time to find the link to the article.) Needless to say* the observer has noticed this trend in thinking and in fact expected it way back in the Bush years* counting on his long sojourn in the United States sometime back and the latter's continuous monitoring of American thinking and political developments. More on this to come. Hassan Al-Haifi has been a Yemeni political economist and journalist for more than 20 years....
