The current increase in the death contracts being awarded to elements of an ugly subculture* which has been embedded throughout the various countries of the world* especially where there is already a predominant Moslem population or where a significant Moslem minority exists* inescapably points to a suspicious trend. Suspicious* indeed it is* but nevertheless not defiant of any explanation. Surely* these moronic gangs have gone to great lengths and sacrifices to render their notion of the faith they presumably advocate incomprehensible even to those who are devout Moslems* who still have an inkling of the true attachment that Islam must harbor for life and the well being of not just Moslems* but human beings of every faith* creed* color and ethnic affiliation. Why? Why? Why all this gory addiction to death? It is inconceivable that even the masterminds of these heinous displays of flagrant sadism spiced by a distorted kamikaze conviction surely know that what they are doing is a far cry from the Islam of the Holy Qur'an and the doings and sayings of the Prophet Mohammed (PABUH) . That in itself is enough of a rationale to strongly suggest and advocate with some degree of certainty that these nincompoops are certainly working for interests that are nowhere near the interests of Moslems or the propagation of Islam. On top of that* their insistence on the sanctity of shedding the blood of innocent and mostly unarmed Moslems is an un-Godly intuition for which they will burn in hell before any judgment is passed on any heathen on the Day of Judgment. Make no mistake about it* the world is under the threat of an evil monstrosity that has found its riches and self satisfaction in the gruesome scenes they create as their evil intellect devises one form of infliction of mass death after another. These shadowy geniuses of sadistic mayhem are far from conveying the true "orthodox" Islam they profess to submit to. On the contrary* they are advocates of a tyranny and repression that rests on the aura of death and indiscriminate cruelty that no sane believer in God would even think of* let alone advocate. For sure* these morons have nothing to do with any religious conviction* but rather are serving the interests of a mega heinous culture that endeavors to instill fear and hopelessness among mostly the already discontent and downtrodden of the Earth from whom they were originally recruited. These people are without feeling* without emotions* without any humanity in them. They sell themselves so cheaply for a few meager dollars or empty promises of paradise and vestal virgins* while they undertake the most horrific of deeds admonished throughout the Quran and the traditions of the Prophet Mohammed (PABUH). The world should not be fooled by such displays of dastardly behavior. If fugitives like Ayman Al-Dhawahiri can appear on video with a fancy bookcase full of gold lettered hardbound books* and sitting on a comfortable chair with bright lighting* when one would expect him to be hiding deep in a dreary cave in the remote terrains of Afghanistan or Pakistan* is it not hard to decipher that the scenario is now complete for the biggest hoax that humanity has ever witnessed. The world is witnessing a phenomenon that only evil and conniving men (and women) can sponsor and nurture. The sad and almost unbelievable situation is that such brutal scenes and actions tend to increase markedly to underscore a platform by some of the "officially recognized evil forces" that have found their niche in the institutions of power and hegemony that have prevailed in this world. Yes the "conspiracy theory" is real and vibrant. Otherwise* what explanation can be made that these ugly scenes can be common viewing* yet occurring in such desperate locations? From the US Embassy to the Marriot Hotel of Pakistan* the war machine is being unleashed against the peaceful well being of especially the people of the region. Surely* it is obvious that Islam has nothing to do with this and surely the forces behind such un-Godly bloodthirsty contractors of death know that blood is thicker than water. The impact of all this bloodletting is meant to have a greater impact on the American electorate than all the water that Gustav and Ike unleashed on the Gulf Coast states a couple of weeks ago. Another important cover-up that seems to be clouded by all the scenes of misery and pain coming from Islamabad* Kirkuk and Sana'a is the failing economic performance that these same forces have brought to their constituencies and the obvious rip-off that the mega giants of Wall Street are now exacting on the American taxpayer. Let us turn to Mecca and then remember that the contractors of death are emanating from the most notorious corrupters of the faith the Nation of Islam has known* whose creed of death has always been unleashed for the convenience of the very forces they profess to be challenging for two hundred years* as only British intelligence could very well explain. Hassan Al-Haifi has been a Yemeni political economist and journalist for more than 20 years....
