( Allah )

The mechanism of its name mention Glory be to Him on the human tongue is for it an unique tone

The components of its letters without the names all

Its mention comes from a pure of the heart, no from the two lips

The Majestic Name ( Allah ) the lips do not pronounce it for its freedom of the points

Mention you a name .. ( Allah ) now

And they observed how you pronounced it

Did you extract the letters from the heart interior

He led that you uttered it and no movement in your faces and your lips ...

And from a judgement that that it if it wanted a praising that it mentions a name ( Allah )

, any companion will not feel that

And from the inimitability of its name that it whatever she lessened its letters, the name remains as he

And as known that the Majestic Name ( Allah ) forms by the damma at the end of the last letter

" Allah "

And if what deleted the first letter becomes its name

" To Allah "

Also the verse says

( and to the Most Beautiful Names Allah then you pray him by it )

And if what deleted the alif and the first lam remained

" For it "

And he is still its divine meaning as says a making living

And he is still its divine meaning as says Glory be to Him

( for it what in the skies and earth )

And if she deletes the alif and the first and second lam, the haa remains by the damma

" ه "

And despite that the indication of it remains Glory be to Him as said in its book

( he that no god except he )

And if what deleted the first lam remained

" A God "

Also he said that rose in the verse

( Allah no god except he )


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