Bitter Enchantment – Written by Me

It was eight thirty in the evening of one of December cold nights. I have finished work earlier than usual in that small restaurant I've been working in for a while now. People already headed to their homes to sit in front of a warm fire place. It was a very cold night; I couldn't feel my cold limbs. I walked my way to the train station, to my home, feeling the cold breeze hit my face and stepping on the piles of white snow, not noticing the little alleyways that were covered with snow. Finally here it is the train station, quickly I jumped inside the waiting train, I searched for a seat as far as I could from the window to avoid the cold air.
I found only one empty seat beside a little five years old boy, I watched his little face, and he was a beautiful kid. His hair light blonde that covered his head like a little cup, his blue eyes sparkled as he eyed her curiously; his cheeks were slightly flushed from the cold air. Beautiful boy, I thought sitting beside him, I made up some funny faces to him and he smiled with delight, even his smile was gorgeous. He reminded me of someone I just couldn't remember and I wondered why he was alone? Where are his parents? Suddenly, I heard a deep voice yelling:
- Son! Come over here!
I looked at the source of that familiar voice, a voice stored in her head, my brown eyes met with those of blue familiar ones and I knew; yes I knew that was the prince charming I watched from the back window of the restaurant, where I worked, everyday. The man who sells books in the nearby bookshop, the man with the breathtaking smile, the man I felt for him deep feelings in my heart and wished one chance to meet him, to get to know him. The man who doesn't even know that I exist. But why was he here with a little boy? He moved closer to the boy ignoring me completely, he said his tone firm:
- Your mom and I searched for you all over the place! While you're hiding in here, come on now, our seats is over there.
His words cut into my heart tearing it apart. My eyes fell on his left hand to look with shock disbelieve at the silver ring that circled his third finger, as he held the boy high in his arms. He walked to sit beside a beautiful woman, at that moment I realized what a fool I'd been, oh yes, she was his wife and that was his son.
My heart tore apart; hot tears chocked me as they slide with a sob down my smooth cheeks. God! How did I knew every feature on his face by heart and every movement, yet I never noticed the damn wedding band?