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Thread: Good-bye* guys

  1. #1

    Dr Sam's Avatar
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    Good-bye* guys

    Dear all in this fragrant forum*
    Att: guys in the Language Section*

    I have hesitated several times to say what I am going to. Because* to die and part is a less evil; but to part and live is the torment.
    I can not stand another experience of getting part of somebody whom I cared of … but this is how life goes…
    I will not cover-up something about me that when I look at myself in the mirror* what I can see is that shattered image of scared part of getting away of somebody is getting close to my heart slowly and slowly and slowly... and for this* I may surrounded myself with a redline not to cross it out and not to get very close to a somebody so close (saying good-bye gonna hurt).
    The funny thing is that I envy those who have great people with them… How lucky they are to have something in life that makes saying goodbye so hard.
    Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while* leave footprints on our hearts* and we are never* ever the same.
    I really hate the good-bye word but still earlier is easier than later with no knowing when and how I am going to say it… and here I am saying it after a long and hard time of thinking.
    Sometimes* I think* why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave and someone always leaves and then we would have to say good-bye. Although* nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance like you* guys. If I had a single flower for every time I think about each of you* I could walk forever in my garden.
    The last thing I can say to you* guys* is that how sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun* it falls tenderly* but sadly* on the heart.
    From the bottom of my heart I wish each of you in person the best of the best* because you deserve it. If I will not have another chance to be with you in the forum* please* keep going stable as you are… one heart* one soul* and one power can release the entire humanity from hatred guilty.
    I am sure that one day will come and you will tell your grand sons and daughters your stories of how you made life brighter for them and for generations coming thereafter* and you will give them the belief that with love and patience they can change there tomorrow … today.

    Good-bye* sweet-friends*نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

    Dr. Sami MAKKI* PhD

  2. #2

    ألــوان's Avatar
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    Hello Dear Friend.
    It is such a loss for this forum to lose you. Thought you haven't been here for a long time* but like you said* good people always leave their footprints in our hearts.
    It would be great if you thought about your decision one last time before leaving.
    believe me* I know exactly what each word u wrote ment* because I myself had my bestfriend taken away from me to another country* and I know how that feels and how much it hurts to have the people we love so far away from us.
    Dr. Sami* reconsider leaving....I think we are in need of a member like you here.

    hope I can make you change your mind.

    Your's Truely


  3. #3
    **..AhMeD..**'s Avatar
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    Hey Dr.Sam

    i really dunno what to said after all these lines of urs.
    all what u wrote was really touching and believe me it makes me really convinved that i don't wanna lose u around here buddy.

    we all have busy times and sometimes we really leave the forum for a while to take care of more lifestuff things* but n the end we just do like the turnover accounts and come back to our lovely forum.
    It is an addiction friend.

    i think i vote with NANA to not leave.
    sure u can take a break to do what ever u got to.
    but neva say good-bye please.


    just tell me u gonna be upsent for a while and that s t .
    living on the hope of seing u again s much better of knowing u won't come again around.

    and we all hope u the best n ur life
    Last edited by **..AhMeD..**; 20-11-2006 at 08:57 AM.

    سؤلت عن الحب فمادريت.:.:.أهو غصب علينا أم نحن عنة في غنى
    فإياك من زرع منة ماجنيـت.:.:.غير عظيم البؤس وأعظم من الشـقى
    بقلم: أحمد الحميقاني

  4. #4

    السندريلا's Avatar
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    Dear Dr Sam
    i'm really chocked* when i see the topic subject i thought it's on of ur nice topics * i didn't guess that ur leavin
    what about the pomes and stories u promised u'll put them in the section
    and how's gonna read mine too .. as Ahmed and nana said ur a big loss for the section we need good reader and writer
    like u around
    believe me we r all busy and we try to do our best to visit the section from time to time to learn *communicat
    u told me once as a replay to 1 of my topics * u can do it u can creat ur time if u want to
    i'm tellin u that right now ....
    anyway if it's for the best for u * i wish u all the luck in ur life
    and we r really goin to miss a nice bro like u
    Dr cindy
    []http://نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي[/IMG]

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