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الموضوع: امتحانات التوفل (موضوع متجدد)

  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية انور العقاب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2009
    صنعاء ش تعز
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    امتحانات التوفل (موضوع متجدد)

    الموضوع إن شاء الله متجدد سيكون بشكل اسبوعي
    المرفق ملف وورد

    TOEFL TEST SECTION زاوية امتحان التو فل :
    اختبارات عامة مع الترجمة والتعليق
    Twentieth Quiz (Listening Comprehension Review) الاختبار العشرون (مراجعة استيعاب الإصغاء )
    Excerpted from: TOEFL/
    By Roger B. Goodman and William Ince
    اقتباس وترجمة وتعليق / قحطـان فؤاد الخطيب
    Listening Comprehension Review مراجعة باستيعاب الإصغاء
    التعليمات: في هذا القسم من الاختبار سوف تسمع جملة قصيرة . وسوف تقرأ تماما كما سوف تكون في إخبار فعلي . وفورا ، وحال سماع هذه الجملة سوف يطلب منك قراءة اختيارات أربع جمل . اختر الجملة التي تعيد قول معنى الجملة الأصلية بأفضل شكل . بين اختيارك بتسويد الفراغ المطابق على شبكة الجواب . أصغ لكل جملة وقم باختيارك . أنت مستعد للبدء .
    Directions: In this section of the examination you will hear a short statement. It will be read just as it will be on the actual examination. Immediately after hearing this statement you will be asked to read four sentence choices. Choose the sentence that best restates the meaning of the original statement. Indicate your choice by blackening the corresponding space on the answer grid. Listen to each sentence and make your choice. You are ready to begin.
    1. Actually* Frank's mother is my older sister. في الواقع ، إن أم فرانك هي شقيقتي الأكبر .
    (A) Frank is my cousin. 1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Frank is my nephew.
    (C) I am friendly with Frank.
    (D) I hardly know Frank.
    2. She bought four pounds of tomatoes at seventy cents a pound.
    اشترت أربعة أرطال من الطماطم بسبعين سنتا للرطل .
    (A) She paid over $3.00 for the tomatoes. 2. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) She paid about eighty cents for the tomatoes.
    (C) She paid $2.80 for the tomatoes.
    (D) She did not buy the tomatoes because of their cost.
    3. The performance started at eight o'clock* and they were fifteen minutes late.
    بدأ العرض المسرحي في الساعة الثامنة فيما وصلوا متأخرين بخمس عشر دقيقة .
    (A) They got there at eight-thirty. 3. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) They got there at a quarter after eight.
    (C) They missed the performance.
    (D) They got there at seven forty-five.
    4. He was given a ticket because he drove past a stop sign.
    أعطي ورقة مخالفة المرور لأنه قاد مركبته أمام علامة توقف .
    (A) He was driving too fast. 4. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) He drove past a red light.
    (C) He got a ticket for a traffic violation.
    (D) He did not know why he had received a ticket.
    5. She finally received her driver's license after her third try.
    وأخيرا استلمت رخصة قيادة المركبة بعد محاولتها الثالثة.
    (A) She had taken the driver's test three times before. 5. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) This was her first attempt to get a license.
    (C) She had tried once before to get a license.
    (D) She had tried unsuccessfully twice before.
    6. Although the water was only four feet deep* it was over her head.
    ولو أن ارتفاع الماء كان أربعة أقدام ، فقد كان فوق رأسها .
    (A) She must have been less than four feet tall. 6. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) She could not swim.
    (C) She must have been about five feet tall.
    (D) She obviously drowned.
    7. David cannot wait for his eighteenth birthday so he can get a driver's permit.
    لا يستطيع ديفيد ألانتظار حتى يبلغ عيد ميلاده الثامن عشر بحيث يحصل على رخصة قيادة مركبة .
    (A) One must he at least eighteen years old to get a driver's permit. 7. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) David is about nineteen years old.
    (C) Only boys can get driver's permits.
    (D) A boy gets his driver's permit at twenty-one years of age.
    8. He paid $4*000 for a new car; that's $500 more than it would have cost last year.
    دفع 4000 دولارا مقابل مركبة حديثة ، مما يعني دفعه 500 دولارا أكثر مما كلفت العام الماضي .
    (A) Last year's car would have cost $4*500. 8. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Last year's car would have cost $3*800.
    (C) Last year's car would have cost $3*500.
    (D) Last year's car would have cost $4*000.
    9. The avenues of Manhattan are planned so that uptown is north and downtown is south.
    الشوارع العريضة المشجرة لمانهاتن مخططة بحيث أن الجزء الأعلى من المدينة هو الشمال وقلب المدينة هو الجنوب .
    (A) An uptown train would he traveling south. 9. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) An uptown train would he traveling east.
    (C) An uptown train would he traveling north. ¬
    (D) A downtown train would be traveling north.
    10. Sharon does not want to go to work in her father's dental office.
    لا ترغب شارون بالذهاب إلى العمل بمكتب أبيها لطب الأسنان .
    (A) Sharon's father wants his daughter to work for him. 10. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Sharon's father is a dentist.
    (C) Sharon is a dentist.
    (D) Sharon's father is a doctor.
    11. Like his father and his father's father* Alfred is an English teacher.
    مثله مثل أبيه وجده ، ألفريد هو مدرس لغة إنكليزية .
    (A) Alfred's mother is an English teacher. 11. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Alfred's grandfather was an English teacher.
    (C) Alfred teaches history.
    (D) Alfred decided to go into a different profession.
    12. She enjoys shopping in the mall because there is more variety in the stores.
    تستمتع بالتسوق في المجمع التجاري المغلق لوجود تنوع أكثر في المحلات .
    (A) There is more parking space in the mall. 12. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) The mall is closer to her home.
    (C) There are fewer department stores in her neighborhood.
    (D) There are more different things in the stores in the mall.
    13. Some people travel great distances from home just to sit and watch the same television programs they always watch.
    بعض الناس يسافرون لمسافات بعيدة عن منازلهم تماما لكي يجلسوا ويشاهدوا نفس البرامج المعتادين على مشاهدتها .
    (A) Some people travel to get away from television. 13. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Some people watch their favorite programs wherever they are.
    (C) Some people take portable television sets with them.
    (D) It is difficult to keep up with a television series.
    14. His new boat is forty feet long* which is five feet longer than his old one.
    طول قاربه الجديد أربعون مترا ، والذي هو خمسة أقام أطول من القارب القديم .
    (A) His old boat was about eighteen feet long. 14. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) He got a new boat because the old one was rotting.
    (C) His old boat was thirty-five feet long.
    (D) He kept his old boat.
    15. To get to Denver you must change trains in Chicago. للوصول إلى دينفر عليك بتغيير القطارات في شيكاغو .
    (A) The trains go directly to Denver. 15. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Chicago is beyond Denver.
    (C) The trains do not go directly to Denver.
    (D) The trains do not go directly to Chicago.
    16. There has been a two-dollar increase in the bus fare; it now costs fourteen dollars one way.
    كانت هناك زيادة في أجرة الحافلة بمقدار دولارين . وتكلف الآن أربعة عشر دولارا ذهاب فقط .
    (A) It is cheaper to get a round-trip ticket. 16. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) The fare used to be twelve dollars.
    (C) The fare used to he sixteen dollars.
    (D) The fare used to be two dollars.
    17. Emmy is a typical teenager; she loves to talk on the phone.
    أيمي هي مراهقة نموذجية . وتحب الكلام عبر الهاتف .
    (A) Emmy is not like most teenagers. 17. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Most teenagers like to talk on the phone.
    (C) Emmy has a phone of her own.
    (D) There is no phone in Emmy's house.
    18. The star quit the show two months before the end of her one- year contract.
    تركت النجمة العرض قبل أسبوعين من انتهاء عقدها ذي السنة الواحدة .
    (A) The star remained in the show for ten months. 18. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) The show closed after one year.
    (C) When the star left* the show closed.
    (D) The star was in the show for twelve months.
    19. The letter was returned unopened because the address on it was wrong.
    أعيدت الرسالة غير مفتوحة لان العنوان المثبت عليها كان خطأ .
    (A) The letter had been opened before it was returned. 19. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) The letter was returned because there was no stamp on it.
    (C) The letter had never been opened.
    (D) The letter was never returned.
    20. When everything else failed* he asked his father for more money.
    حين باء كل شيء آخر بالفشل ، طلب من والده مزيدا من النقود .
    (A) The first thing he did was ask his father for more money. 20. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) His father had refused to give him more money.
    (C) He asked his father for more money after he had tried every¬thing else.
    (D) He refused to ask his father for more money.
    21. Despite the advice of her physician* she continues to eat candy and cake.
    على الرغم من نصيحة طبيبها ، تواصل تناول الحلوى والكعك .
    (A) The lady is very stupid. 21. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) The physician is not very strict.
    (C) The lady consulted a doctor.
    (D) The lady was in a hospital.
    22. Because the liquor stores were closed* they could not get champagne for the party.
    لان محلات بيع الكحول كانت مغلقة ، لم يتمكنوا من الحصول على شمبانيا للحفلة .
    (A) They were too late for the party. 22. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) They did not have enough money to pay for the champagne.
    (C) They got drunk on champagne.
    (D) They could not purchase the champagne because the stores were closed.
    23. Marianne had lost her job; she could not afford to buy her son a present.
    ماريان عملها . وهي غير قادرة على شراء هدية لأبنها . فقدت
    (A) Marianne always bought her son a birthday present. 23. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Marianne could not afford to buy a present because she was out of work.
    (C) Marianne was fired because of her lateness.
    (D) Marianne's son was confined to the house.
    24. The Board of Directors dismissed him because he had missed two consecutive meetings.
    طرده مجلس الإدارة لعدم حضوره اجتماعين متعاقبين .
    (A) He was dismissed because he always came late to the meetings. 24. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) He was dismissed because he missed several meetings.
    (C) He was dismissed because he missed two meetings in a row.
    (D) He was dismissed because the chairman was envious of his position. .
    25. Laura lost five pounds on her diet* but her mother lost twice as much.
    فقدت لورا خمسة أرطال بسبب حميتها ، إلا أن أمها فقدت ضعف ذلك .
    (A) Laura's mother lost about eight pounds. 25. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Laura's mother lost five pounds.
    (C) Laura's mother could not lose weight.
    (D) Laura's mother lost ten pounds.
    26. They displeased the professor by quitting college in their senior year.
    أغضبوا أستاذ الجامعة بتركهم الدراسة في الكلية وهم في سنتهم الدراسية الأخيرة .
    (A) The professor was displeased because they did not complete their work. 26. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) The professor was displeased because they quit college.
    (C) They quit college because the professor was displeased.
    (D) They graduated from college in less than the usual time.
    27. Herman put off writing his term paper until the last weekend.
    أجل هيرمان كتابة بحثه الفصلي حتى عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الأخيرة .
    (A) Herman did not complete his term paper. 27. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Herman completed his term paper on the last week end
    (C) Herman failed to complete his term paper on time.
    (D) Herman did not complete his term paper until he left school.
    28. She was lucky to find one garage open during the holiday weekend.
    حالفها الحظ عندما وجدت مرآبا واحدا مفتوحا أثناء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع .
    (A) Almost all the garages were closed on the holiday weekend. 28. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) One garage was open* but there was no mechanic available.
    (C) She took care of her car by herself. because the garages were closed.
    (D) A friend opened the garage for her* despite the fact that it had been closed for the holiday.
    29. It takes an hour to get home; you must leave now if you want to arrive by noon.
    يستغرق الوصول للبيت ساعة . عليك المغادرة الآن إذا ترغب في الوصول عند منتصف النهار .
    (A) It is now eleven o'clock. 29. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) It is now a quarter to twelve*
    (C) It is too late to get home on time.
    (D) It takes a couple of hours to get home.
    30. A baker's dozen means one more than the exact number. دزينة الخباز هي واحدة مضافة للعدد بالضبط .
    (A) A baker's dozen actually amounts to thirteen. 30. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) A baker's dozen amounts 10 twelve items.
    (C) A baker's dozen means a dozen loaves of bread.
    (D) There would he fourteen rolls in a baker's dozen.
    31. Some people feel that lighting three cigarettes on one match means bad luck.
    بعض الناس يشعرون أن إشعال ثلاث سيكابر من عود ثقاب واحد يعني حظا سيئا .
    (A) Many people are superstitious. 31. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Lighting three cigarettes on one match brings bad luck.
    (C) Some people feel that various things bring good or bad luck.
    (D) One should use a cigarette lighter for three people.
    32. Although this bag is. much larger* that container will hold more golf balls.
    ولو أن هذه الحقيبة أوسع ، إلا أن تلك الحاوية ستحمل كرات كولف أكثر .
    (A) The bag will hold more halls because it is larger. 32. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Although the container is smaller* it will hold more golf halls.
    (C) The bag is specially made to hold fewer golf halls.
    (D) Although they are both the same size* the container will hold more than the hag.
    33. She was able to go to work while her husband took care of the house.
    تمكنت من الذهاب للعمل بينما تولى زوجها العناية بالدار .
    (A) Her husband did not have a job. 33. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Her husband objected to taking care of the house while she worked.
    (C) Her husband helped her by taking care of the house while she worked.
    (D) Her husband refused to cooperate with her when she was working.
    34. He refused to take his rubbers with him even though it was raining.
    رفض أخذ حذاءه المطاطي معه حتى ولو أنها كانت تمطر .
    (A) It had stopped raining* so he did not take his rubbers. 34. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) He knew it was going to stop raining* so he did not take his rubbers.
    (C) He did not take his rubbers because he did not know that it was raining.
    (D) Although he knew it was raining* he did not wear his rubbers.
    35. Marjorie felt that the reward she was given really belonged to her friend.
    شعرت مار جوري بأن الجائزة التي أعطيت لها تعود حقا إلى صديقتها .
    (A) Marjorie was pleased to receive the reward. 35. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    (B) Marjorie felt that the reward should be shared.
    (C) Marjorie felt that she was unworthy of the reward.
    (D) Marjorie was envious of the fact that her friend deserved the reward.
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    إذا ضعفت يوما لديك المبادئ فتذكر قيم الرجوله فإنها كافية لتخلق منك بطلا

    صدام حسين

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية حنـان الكـون ~
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2007
    امريكا شيكا بيكا :)
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: امتحانات التوفل (موضوع متجدد)

    wow that is really helpful for all students ... Mash'allah brother great post
    Thanks a lot w Jazak Allah 5eer
    i'll send this link to my sister in Yemen...since she's having her exams coming up soon

    Merci once again

    عادة العشاق تشتاق ... كيف لو خلي بلادي ؟

    مسكنش روحي و الاعماق .. يا نظر عيني و زادي

معلومات الموضوع

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