I have no doubt that none of the parties concerned with the crisis ? in fact crises ? hitting the country have asked themselves this question: ?What is next?? In case this assumption is not accurate and some have actually asked this question* I can assure you that none have reached a clear cut answer to this short and simple question. This is because none of them have thorough knowledge of what is actually going on* and thus are unable to foretell what is to come. Sometimes these concerned parties are like one who is lost and can do nothing other than walk* walk and walk until he is stopped by someone or something. At times the one who is lost seems to be better off than these parties since he can ask for help and then can be guided to the right path or destination. For the parties* the situation is worse because not only have they lost their way but have perhaps gone astray* and in this case do not know what help they need or whom to ask.Let us ask them one by one and try to fathom their various stances* acts and situations. There is no standard for who to start with* so let the beginning be with the regime. What is next? Are you fully aware of what is going on and what is to follow? If yes* are you ready and well prepared for what you expect? And if no* why not? Are you going to keep walking along your path* taking the entire country with you* until you reach its end whatsoever it will lead to? Of course the regime is confused and might have lost control over the situation* but this does not exempt its members from responsibility over the past* present and future of the crisis. After all* they are the first and foremost ones to shoulder the task of saving the country from looming collapse.Have you* the regime* thought about how these crises began* or how they developed* escalated and reached their climaxes? Have you thought about what you could do at first* and what you could do after that? Of course* so far you have done nothing. Therefore* what you are urged to do* and obliged to do as well* is more than what you are doing now* which is to say anything. To your misfortune* you have no more choices and no more time as well. Your fatal mistake is that you wanted everything* and now it seems that you are losing everything. Both the expected and unexpected have happened* things that are outside your ability to comprehend* but what is to happen next will be the farthest reaching crisis of all. ?What is next?? must be your top* and sole* priority. It has always been your fault that all these troubles came to yourselves and to the country. Think about it now before you miss your chance forever. Try just once to be honest and admit your failures* weaknesses and shortcomings during your past and present times. Maybe the future will forgive you and dismiss these faults if you show a bit of willpower and if you can be a little bit brave.The next party to be asked is composed of the Houthis and the Southern Movement leaders and supporters. ?What is next?? Have you asked yourselves such a question? And if so* what answers do you have? For the Houthis specifically* are all these wars and conflicts not enough for you? You have proved to be steadfast opponents of the fragile regime* and hence you have gained more than you expected. Isn?t it good enough for you that you sit and negotiate with the regime as equals? What exactly do you look forward to other than what you have already achieved?Let us put it another way for you. Do you have an idea or ideas about what is to come? Or do you just want things to continue the way they are going because you have no idea about the future? Is it really the temptation of power ? some would say throne ? that is causing all of this hardship in the north? What exactly is the matter with you? Try for a while to think about what is to come; maybe you will find* even for once* that you have done wrong* and you need to rethink your priorities and strategies ? if you have any.On the other hand* let us turn to the Southern Movement leaders and supporters. ?What is next? is certainly not what you have in your minds. What is next? Think about it more than once before it runs away from your hands. What you have been doing is completely wrong because you have confused different issues. Try to have a picture of the whole situation* and if you want it to be as full and obvious as it should be* ask yourself some questions. Do you think that you can have control over people and fortunes as your former leaders had? Do you think that the people of the south are ready to welcome you as their new rulers in the way you are dreaming they will?Ask yourselves some other questions. What about the others in Aden* Shabwa* Hadramout and Mahra? Don?t you think that they have the same right to decide their future once you have seceded? As long as you claim the right to what you call the struggle for independence* others have the same right. In fact* they seem to be more eligible than you to have this right. Think again and again about ?what is next?? before you dare to act. Otherwise* the unknown future will be your last stop and you will have achieved nothing. The third party to think about the question is the opposition* particularly those represented in the JMP. What is next? In fact* you are supposed to be the answer to this question; you are supposed to be the next power for your nation. Are you ready for this? Or do you think that ?what is next? is something different? You have talked* argued and raised your voice* demanding many things while denouncing many others. You have arranged for protests* demonstrations* sit-ins and strikes* but has any of this changed anything? Do you have a plan or even an idea regarding the future of your nation?If you* together with your crowds of different groups* have nothing to do with your people?s future* then who do you think has this power? Being merely an audience or a group of spectators will never help* so try to change and develop your role to be active players before this role is stolen from you and you are swept aside. The question is short and simple to understand* but it needs all parties to think of urgent answers. None of them has more time than the others to spend before taking practical steps to save what can be saved* for themselves and for the country as a whole. All of them ? with varying degrees ? have led the country into this critical situation* and thus share the responsibility for what is to come.?What is next?? must be the concern of all parties* and nothing is in anyone?s favor. Unless they move towards answering this critical question and try to shape the future the way that serves and saves all* ?what is next? will definitely make the move towards them. In this case they will have no choice but to accept the future as it is....
