Iran's regional ambitions have been developing and intensifying since the rule of the Shah* particularly after religious leaders assumed power following the Islamic revolution. Those people changed the direction of the revolution from Islamic to specifically Shiite. In fact* the Iranian dream to restore the Persian Empire is still an obsession fixed in the minds of its leaders. There are many instances that prove this as Iran dominated over active figures in the region in order to export its policies aiming to impose its dominance. Iran became a main player in the region in order to to create more complications* even though it holds solutions to them. It is the first beneficiary from the vacuum in Iraq after the balance of power turned toward its behalf. Iran aims to expand its doctrinal Shiite influence throughout a large swath extending from Yemen in the south all the way to Syria in the north. In addition* Iran occupied UAE islands to penetrate groups and parties throughout the area under the guise of its religious objectives. Strategic targets don?t change when leaders are changed. Contrary to the Iranian political talk that declares advocacy for Islam* serving its objectives* and eradicating and fighting evil* there are latent regional ambitions and objectives hidden within this sort of talk. Unfortunately* some people talk selectively about the method of Islam used* getting caught between ideology and behavior. This is because if they utilize Islam only to achieve their objectives* it will be clear that this sort of talk has nothing to do with Islam. The Iranian attempts to possess nuclear weapons are only one of the significant indicators of the attempt to realize the Iranian dream. Although Iranians assure the world that their nuclear program is peaceful* such intensions lack credibility. In fact* Iran may need only time to possess nuclear capabilities and enter the nuclear club. It skillfully succeeded in managing this crisis by allotting roles to various party leaders for them to play. It sometimes uses the policy of escalating tension with the west and sometimes the policy of composure. In this respect* what are Arabs going to do to face the Iranian ambition and expansion* especially after the imbalance of power that was created after Iraq fell? The Arab foreign policies remained within their standard frames and excessive idealism in an atmosphere that recognizes only superiority* power and influence. They don?t consider factors of history and geography that would bind them to a realistic foreign policy in the Middle East. Arab countries can be effective* pivotal and active in the region due to their religious and historical heritage* location and resources. They shouldn't recoil as territorial countries* particularly given that Arab retraction and retirement has always resulted in negative consequences. In addition* Arab foreign policy has been frozen at a certain stage and vision. This vision looks at and deals with the world as if it was pure* angelic and controlled by principles and ethics. At a time when world strategic policy calls for influence and conflict* Arabs talk about coexistence and permanent peace using the language of values and morals. The ineffectiveness of Arab diplomacy created a vacuum* tempting others to fill it. Consequently* the Arab role remained marginal because Arabs either undertake secondary roles or remain as mere onlookers. The requirements of the regional and international situation and the consequences of Iranian expansion in the region necessitate that new frameworks* conceptions and roles be cast on Arab foreign policy. This is because foreign policy isn?t a noble task aiming to change conditions of the world. Rather* from the viewpoint of supporters of realism* it is an art form used to manage this world. It is an art to adjust foreign policy to maintain and protect Arab national security against all threats and risks in a world that doesn?t have permanent friendships or hostilities like it has permanent interests for its people. Source: Elaph...
