Sana'a* June 28 ? The Arab Agronomists? Union held a conference entitled "Improving the Economy of Arab Organic Agriculture" on Saturday with the attendance of representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture and Irrigation from nineteen Arab countries as well as relevant members from different organizations and universities. The Executive Office member of the Union of Arab Agronomist* Obbad Mohammed Al-A?ansi* stated that the conference?s purposes were to highlight the status of organic agriculture in the Arab world* discuss methods to improve the economy of organic agriculture in Arab states* coordinate with public and official efforts* as well as civil society organizations and the private sector to encourage organic agriculture* and work to achieve food security in the Arab world. Al-A?ansi noted that this conference was the first event in the Arab world to discuss organic agriculture in terms of how to use chemical pesticides. He also described the increasing interest in the rest of the world for organic crops* and its affect on Arab exports. ?Interest in organic agriculture has recently increased*? he stated* ?to the extent that some European countries stipulate that imported agricultural products must be organic.?The conference* which will conclude on the first of July* is in the process of discussing many topics* including the situation and future of Arab organic agriculture* the impact of organic agriculture on Arab food security* the impact of organic agriculture on yield* product quality* and the environment* the importance of organic agriculture on the export of crops* and the importance of organic agriculture on human health* especially with regard to fertilizers and pesticides....
