On the 26th of this month I woke up with the same thought of the day before* it was all over my head saying Michael Jackson?s dead* Michael Jackson?s no longer with us in this world* Michael Jackson?s no longer to perform* to dance* to sing* to impress us* to shock us* to wear an Abaya* to record an Islamic Nasheed or to swing another child off his balcony in Berlin* Michael Jackson is gone. Whether you like him or not* love him or not* even if you hate him you can?t be indifferent with the news of his tragic death. Myself* being not a big fan or actually not a fan in the sense of following all the news and moves of Michael Jackson I have to admit that I was really saddened and shocked at the same time by his death. Not many people in our world have such a tremendous impact on others to say that the world is the ??world minus one ?? when they?re gone and to say that they?ll be remembered and missed not only by their family and friends but by the whole world.Trying to figure out all these thoughts I made my way to the university forgetting all about Michael Jackson once the lecture started. On my way back home I remembered him* I saw people acting normal* myself included reading my book as usual in the train and listing to music* as if nothing had happened and when you think about it you realize that nothing has happened except the death of the King of Pop and that?s not a life-changing news to many of us but I could sense that most of the people with me in the train were thinking about Michael Jackson. They were mourning Michael Jackson in silence.Yes* They didn?t wear black or put flowers on a stone with his name engraved on* they didn?t march the streets of berlin lighting candels for him* the didn?t go to the Hotel Adelon waiting for him to swing his baby off the balcony but they were and the whole world is mourning him in its memories just like i mourn him in my memories of my parent?s wedding video with their friends and family dancing on Thriller* in my memories of our neighbour?s son showing me his Moon-Walk and in my memories of many Yemenis who can?t say a word in English and may have never seen what Michael Jackson looks like rather to have watched him perfom but yet they know Michael Jackson and they know that he was the KING of pop* may he rest in peace....
