Sana?a* Aug 26 ? A relative calmness between the government army and the Houthis prevailed in Sa?ada city last Tuesday during the daytime* according tribal sources in Sa?ada. The army did* however* resume shelling and using rockets against Houthi strongholds after sunset. In addition* fighter planes and bombardiers targeting Houthi sites were heard over a number of districts. The confrontations resumed in all points of contact in the districts that are at war. A source in the local authority in Sa?ada announced last Tuesday that security authorities arrested a cell of Houthis in Sa?ada city. The state-run Saba News Agency reported that the source said* ?The cell was fortressed inside a cell in the old city of Sa?ada* after confrontations with security men which resulted in a soldier killed and another one wounded.? Media reports said this week that confrontations between the two sides took place in Sa?ada city after groups of Houthis infiltrated and launched an abrupt attack against public buildings. They targeted the Al-Jawazat area* Al-Muwasalat and Bab Najran* Al-Mehwar and Al-Salam neighborhoods and the governor?s office. The Houthis said that they repelled a sudden attack launched by the army in Al-Malahidh area last Tuesday evening* when the army attempted to recover the area that the Houthis had announced they controlled two around weeks ago. Local sources said that the army focused on Al-Malahidh-Haradh front for tactical reasons and that it is currently mobilizing the 12th Military Division with all its equipment in an area between Abs and Haradh. The Houthis focus on the front of Harf Sufian and Al-Safra districts because they are a key to controlling the road to Sana?a used to carry government military supplies to Sa?ada. The source said that the Houthis attempted last Sunday evening to open a new front in the eastern side of Sa?ada city in Aal Salem area where clashes between the two sides took place. The source said people from both sides were killed and injured. ?The Houthis had opened a first front from Al-Anad-Al-Mahather road that leads to Sana?a and a second front in the entry to Sa?ada-Al-Talh-Dhahyan near the city*? said the source. ?The Houthis used mortars last Tuesday evening and many shells fell on empty areas near Political Security Office and Al-Salam hospital in Sa?ada city.?Abdul Malek Al-Houthi announced in a statement that his supporters have taken a number of military sites since the beginning of the sixth war including Tuwaileq* Al-Hasama* Muthallath* Al-Dhay?a and Habish* which are all located in Shada and Al-Malahidh districts* Ghaman strategic site in Sehar district* Tanfan* Jabal Esa sites in Al-Safra district and Al-Juh* Al-Qafl and Al-Qafif sites in the Saqain district.Al-Houthi further pointed out that other military sites* including Al-Farsh* Al-Arous* Al-Mefrakh* Mahdida* Jabal Ghanem Fella site* Khanf?ar Al-Hareba Ahma Al-Talh school and Al-Khaza?en withdrew due to the siege and extensive attacks launched by his supporters. The official spokesman for the government* Hassan Al-Laawzi* said that the local authority and military and security forces in Sa?ada currently give priority in their operations to securing roads and clearing of the Houthis. He pointed out that the Houthis block roads and set up ambushes to hinder the delivery of supplies to the districts and villages of Sa?ada* camps of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and other areas. He denied that military forces found over a hundred dead bodies of Houthis after clearing Harf Sufian. ?We don?t know about this news*? he said. ?The military and security forces cleared Harf Sufian and the nearby areas but they didn?t find any dead bodies of the Houthi elements in the area.? He confirmed that Doha agreement signed between the government and the Houthis last year has been cancelled* stressing that military operations against the Houthis will continue until they surrender. Continued on page 2Informed sources in Sa?ada city said that ?citizens leave their villages toward safer areas due to the shelling of fighter planes which launch air raids mainly at night.? ?The city is surrounded by the government* which prevented citizens from entering or coming out of it*? said the source. ?It lives in a state of an unannounced emergency.?He pointed out that the security authorities imposed curfew in the city and the streets are free from people and cars* with the exception of tanks and military forces in Sa?ada deployed in the city. He said that citizens* including IDPs* coming from the conflict districts live in bad conditions in spite of efforts of relief circulated by the media. Sources said that ?The price of food* gasoline and gas increased unprecedentedly since the beginning of war* as a twenty-letter jerry can of petrol costs YR 3*000 and a gas cylinder YR 2*000. British Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of International Development appealed to the Yemeni government in a statement issued last Monday to reach a peaceful reconciliation for the conflict in Sa?ada.The two ministries said that they support the statement issued by the European Union and the statement of Ban Ki Moon* the UN Secretary-General. They further demanded that humanitarian aid be allowed to reach citizens who have been forced to leave their houses due to the recent events. The statement said that Britain pays attention to the crisis in Sa?ada* observes the situation closely and keeps in contact with the UN and other international agencies. It points out that the aid offered by the British Ministry of International Development is aimed to address the humanitarian needs in Sa?ada where there are around 100*000 IDPs. Brittan has offered 2.54 million Pounds Sterling in response to the call of the World Food Program to help the affected citizens due to war in Sa?ada....
