To marry either an educated or uneducated woman is a big argument among men because every man wants to marry a woman who can be easily controlled by him* not one who can be a second half in his life forever.I'm not against a man who wants to marry an uneducated woman* but I advise him to help her to be educated in order to form an educated family and produce brilliant sons and daughters. That is dependent on the husband being educated.If both husband and wife are uneducated* they should help each other to be educated to ensure their good life in these fast days of technology and ideas.I don't mean education just as studies in primary schools* high schools or universities* but also as mind-opening knowledge acquired from books* magazines* websites and surroundings after marriage.In addition* I'm not against a man who wants to marry an educated woman because it's good behavior. But what will you do if this woman is not able to manage housework? Is her education useful then? Will you be happy with her? I think the only answer here is: no.If a divorce follows* neighbors and relatives will say* "What happened to them? They are educated* how did they agree to get divorced?" But if a man divorces his uneducated wife* the responsibility of the children is his because he preferred to marry an uneducated woman. There is no blame on her* because it was his choice to marry her.I think women should be aware of such men who marry* only to divorce afterwards. It does not matter whether you marry an uneducated woman or not* as the cornerstone of any marriage is that a husband and wife complete each other to live a safe and happy life. Success does not depend on either the wife or husband?s education because a couple is molded in accordance to how one chooses to spend one?s life. True education comes after marriage: how to manage housework* take care of the children* understand and respect each other. This is the right education* not the education received in the schools. Study in school enables you to get a job* not to marry. Lastly* you must ask yourself this question: Why do women prefer marrying educated men* whereas the majority of men prefer marrying uneducated women? Think about it* and consider this: Marriage must be built on love not education* because love is what makes marriages last a long time....
