"To marry educated or uneducated woman"* which is better? I have heard different opinions* but all of them compare choosing a wife to buying goods from a market and give a wrong idea about marriage as a whole. Marriage means starting a new life full of duties and responsibilities for a man and woman. This new life depends on certain principles* which* if respected* lead to a happy and successful marriage and* if not* can lead to the union quickly ending. Even if this marriage did last* it would only be for a while being too weak to confront the troubles of marital life.Some people restrict the notion of marriage to include only educated women. They believe that an educated man should marry an educated woman so that she can find work to share in ?or even cover- the couple's expenses* whereas an uneducated woman cannot. Others say that a man should marry an uneducated woman to control as he wants as she will serves him and his family. They believe that an educated woman is arrogant and will make a man's life more difficult as she will control him to obtain all that she wants as if by magic. On the other hand* an educated woman would refuse to marry an uneducated man and consider marrying an illiterate man to be suicide. She would argue that* if she married an uneducated man* she would live with him as a servant for him and his family until she died* and say that they do not have the same quality of understanding. What she sees right* he would see it wrong. Thus* he will limit her dreams and ambition. He will be a barrier to her goals. As a woman once told me* "illiterate men who encourage their wives to pursue their ambitions do not exist".Restricting the concept of marriage to include either an educated or an uneducated woman reduces the wife to a mere commodity. Education may sometimes ensure a happier marital life* but is not always enough. Many uneducated couples lead a harmonious and happy life* and many educated couples lead a miserable life. An educated husband and wife who do not love each other will see their marital life devastated by their intransigence and selfishness. Therefore* to some marriages* education is unnecessary and* to others* it is insufficient. We are not in a discriminatory war against educated or uneducated men or women. Marriage depends not on the level of education* but on mercy and cordiality as said in the Holy Quran. Marriage is choosing a life partner to support you and to share in decisions both when life is sweet and bitter. It is a spiritual relationship based on mercy and cordiality* two gifts given to man (and woman) by God to ensure his stable marital life and give him strength to overcome its obstacles. In conclusion* education is not the only important factor to consider when choosing a bride or groom. Education can ensure a husband* wife and their children lead a better life* but one should not forget the importance of love* cordiality* mercy* compatibility* compromise* sharing* sacrifice and passion between a husband and wife in marriage. Although a marriage built on these concepts may not be devoid of problems* it will be strong enough to surmount these obstacles and last forever....
